The Eradication of Corruption
Corruption is currently no stranger to our ears, besides corruption is very rampant in this republic, believe it or not, corruption has been carried out from ourselves, up to government officials. So far, we all know that there are efforts to eradicate corruption. many efforts have been made by NGOs, mass organizations, even from the anti-corruption agency itself (KPK).
Corruption does not only harm a handful of people in this country. Several corruption cases have even had a negative impact on the lives of many people. Therefore, public participation in eradicating corruption is needed to avoid enormous losses.
Unfortunately, many people do not realize that their contribution is very crucial in eradicating corruption. In fact, no matter how small the contribution will be very meaningful for efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia.
A society with integrity, aware of the dangers of corruption, and avoiding corruption will form an anti-corruption environment for a better future for Indonesia.
So far, the KPK has tried to carry out the tasks mandated by law by making the most of its existing powers. Therefore, we will examine the Information and Electronic Transaction Law as one of the rules that must be obeyed and implemented.
In the general elucidation of the Law on the Corruption Eradication Committee, it is stated that The criminal act of widespread and systematic corruption is also a violation of the social rights and economic rights of the people, and because of all of this, the criminal act of corruption can no longer be classified as as an ordinary crime but has become an extraordinary crime.
The sentence above could be one of the reasons why this law re-regulates the granting of wiretapping authority to the KPK, even though the same authority has been granted in the Corruption Crime Eradication Law regarding the possibility of evidence in the form of information spoken, sent, received, or stored electronically with an optical device or something similar; and document, which is any record of data or information that can be seen, read, and or heard that can be issued with or without the help of some means, whether stated on paper, any physical object other than paper, or recorded electronically, in the form of writing , sounds, pictures, maps, plans, photographs, letters, signs, numbers or perforations that have meaning.
Kefamenanu, 8 Juni 2023
Ferdinandus Tebi
NPM 32200044
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