
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2023


Aksara pinggiran Tahukah kamu arti panorama alam? Datang merayu kesejukan hati segera Nampak dalam panorama alam sejuk Aksara Pinggiran Dibalik Panorama alam khusyuk Banyak cerita tentang indahnya nuansa Elok terurai tak terbengkalai segar hati Ohh Panorama... Tetesan hijau mewarna lambai Menjelma sejuk hati dahan pohon Gejolak hati banyak rasa alam sejuk Mengusap mimpi masa depan khalik

The Eradication of Corruption

Opinion about the Eradication of Corruption.   Corruption is currently no stranger to our ears, besides corruption is very rampant in this republic, believe it or not, corruption has been carried out from ourselves, up to government officials. So far, we all know that there are efforts to eradicate corruption. many efforts have been made by NGOs, mass organizations, even from the anti-corruption agency itself (KPK). Corruption does not only harm a handful of people in this country. Several corruption cases have even had a negative impact on the lives of many people. Therefore, public participation in eradicating corruption is needed to avoid enormous losses. Unfortunately, many people do not realize that their contribution is very crucial in eradicating corruption. In fact, no matter how small the contribution will be very meaningful for efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. A society with integrity, aware of the dangers of corruption, and avoiding corruption wi...